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Is rain on your wedding day a good sign?

This past weekend, we had plenty of rain, storms, showers, and of the several weddings I did over the weekend, not one was rained out!!

With that said, there was one wedding where the couple decided it would be best to have it indoors instead of risking getting wet.  Yet when I arrived at the beautiful Forsyth Park Inn, it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t raining when I left.  Yet the ground was a bit wet.  The wedding at Whitfield Square didn’t get rained out, nor did the wedding on Tybee Island with Elope to Savannah, nor the two weddings at the really nice Avia Hotel.  And the wedding at the Mansion on Forsyth Park did have rain before, however the ceremony was in the tent covered marble courtyard, so no one got wet while they waited for the beautiful bride, yet it didn’t actually rain during the ceremony.

Yet it did rain quite a bit on Saturday and Sunday, and “they” say that it is good luck when it rains when you “tie the knot.”  For years I’ve wondered why it was considered good luck when it rains on your wedding day. I had thought, ” I’m sure it is just a way to make the bride feel better.”

And then not long ago I heard this interpretation about “it’s good luck when it rains on your wedding day.”  When you get married you “tie the knot.”  In the fishing/shrimping/boating arena when a knot is wet, it won’t slip and is much harder to untie.  So, if it’s raining when you tie the knot, just know it’s good luck!!

Share your thoughts.

P.S. I don’t know if it is good luck, but when it’s raining outside brides really don’t want to hear, “too bad you won’t have your dream wedding outside, now your stuck with the lovely reception location.  But hey, look on the bright side, your dress won’t get dirty!”